How to clean RV holding tanks

RV camper parked in the woods

Owning an RV gives you the freedom to roam and the opportunity to create memories. But like all great adventures, there's some behind-the-scenes maintenance required to keep everything running smoothly. One of the most important (and frequently overlooked) tasks is cleaning and maintaining your RV's holding tanks. Properly cared for holding tanks can mean the difference between a seamless journey and an unpleasant adventure. If you're an RV owner in New England, this guide will provide valuable insights into keeping your black and gray water tanks in top shape.

If you're unfamiliar with the importance of these tanks, let’s break it down. Essentially, holding tanks store waste water. Your RV will typically have two types of tanks: black water tanks for toilet waste and gray water tanks for waste water from sinks and showers. And like all storage tanks, they need regular cleaning to function effectively.

Here are 4 tips to help you keep your RV holding tanks clean and efficient.

1. Regular flushing is key

Regular flushing of your holding tanks is crucial. Over time, waste can build up, leading to blockages or inaccurate sensor readings. After every trip, it’s a good idea to empty and flush both black and gray water tanks. This not only clears out the majority of current waste, but it also helps prevent the buildup of residue that can cause problems in the future.

Power washing the inside of your tank can help remove any lingering residue. This method provides a more rigorous cleaning, targeting stubborn areas that can accumulate over time. If you suspect you have some residue buildup or are experiencing some odor in your RV, call the professionals at RV Pump Service. We’ll come to your location and take care of it for you.

2. Beware the dreaded "poop pyramid"

If you've been in the RV world for a while, you've probably heard whispers of the notorious "poop pyramid". The term may sound comical, but the situation it refers to is far from a laughing matter. This happens when solid waste piles up, forming a mountain of mess that's difficult to remove and may lead to blockages.

Regular use of treatments and chemicals can help break down the waste, but the most import thing is water. After a pump out, the first thing you should do is add enough water to the tank to help disperse the new waste as it comes in. Adding more water might seem counterintuitive, as if it would cause you to need a pump out sooner, but it actually helps things even out in your tank, reduces odor, and minimizes the chances of clogs forming.

If you face persistent blockages, it might be time for a professional clean. RV Pump Service can power wash your tank to take care of any clog or blockage. We also offer video inspections of the inside of your tank to identify any other problems and address them efficiently.

3. Keep your tank sensors clean and accurate

One common issue many RV owners face is waste residue buildup on the tank level sensors. This can result in false readings, making you believe your tank is full when it's not. Even if you’re using chemicals or treatments designed for RV tanks, buildup can still occur over time.

A thorough power washing of the inside of the black water tank can help keep sensors clear and accurate. If you suspect your sensors are giving you inaccurate readings, give us a call.

4. Prepare for the Colder Months

New England winters can be harsh. If you plan on storing your RV during the colder months or traveling in cold climates, winterization is essential. This process ensures that any remaining water doesn't freeze and damage your tanks or pipes.

Hire RV Pump Service to teach you how to winterize your RV yourself to save money next year.

Why Choose RV Pump Service?

After understanding the ins and outs of maintaining your RV's holding tanks, it might seem like a daunting task. But the good news is you don't have to go it alone. RV Pump Service offers an array of services tailored for RV owners in New England. From black and gray water removal, power washing the inside of the black water tank, handling clog and blockage issues, to offering video inspection services, we’ve got you covered. We even offer a hassle-free winterization service, ensuring your RV is ready to face the New England winter.

Keeping your RV in top shape doesn't have to be a challenging endeavor. With the right service and routine maintenance, you can avoid common issues and ensure smooth journeys. Don't let tank maintenance be a thorn in your side. Give RV Pump Service a call today to schedule on-site service at your location. Your RV—and your peace of mind—deserve it.